Por qué la ciencia dice que el ácido hialurónico es el Santo Grial para una hidratación juvenil y sin arrugas (Parte 2)

Why Science Says Hyaluronic Acid is the Holy Grail for Youthful, Wrinkle-Free Hydration (Part 2)

Discover the secrets of hyaluronic acid: your ally for radiant and youthful skin. If you are interested in skin care, you have surely heard about hyaluronic acid and its incredible benefits. But did you know that not all hyaluronic acids are the same? In this article, we invite you to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of this magical ingredient. You will learn about its concentration, molecular weight and how to choose the most suitable one for you. In addition, we will reveal recent studies that have allowed us to discover the ideal type of hyaluronic acid and how to make the most of its moisturizing properties, its ability to reduce wrinkles and its impact on wound healing. Get ready to reveal the secrets of radiant, youthful skin with the help of hyaluronic acid!

Side effects of Hyaluronic Acid:

It is important to note that when formulating your own products or purchasing products containing hyaluronic acid, it is recommended to keep the HA concentration below 2 percent. Because? A low molecular weight HA of 5 kDa has the ability to penetrate the skin, meaning it can transport other unwanted ingredients, chemicals and bacteria deeper into the skin. This can be problematic if you have compromised skin. Fortunately, HA itself tends not to cause allergic reactions, as our body also produces it naturally.

It is important to note that there are different varieties of hyaluronic acid, and some of them can have controversial side effects. For example, elevated HA levels have been linked to inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis. Additionally, one study found that applying HA slowed down the wound healing process compared to pure glycerin. This may be due to the concentration and molecular weight of the hyaluronic acid used.

There is an ideal type of Hyaluronic Acid and science has found it

The benefits of hyaluronic acid for the skin have to do with its molecular weight and concentration. This is where size matters! Molecular weight refers to the mass or size of the HA molecule, and is measured in unified atomic mass units (daltons), or kDa in short.

According to recent studies, hyaluronic acid with a molecular weight between 50 and 1,000 kDa is the most beneficial for the skin, with around 130 kDa being the most effective. Any higher molecular weight won't make much of a difference, while a lower one can cause inflammation.

How was this number obtained? Studies show a consistent pattern. A comprehensive study evaluated different molecular weights of HA, including 50, 130, 300, 800, and 2,000 kDa. After one month, they found that the 130 kDa HA treatment was the most effective, increasing skin elasticity by 20 percent. The 50 and 130 kDa groups also showed significant improvement in wrinkle depth and skin roughness after 60 days. The other molecular weights also improved skin elasticity and hydration, although to a lesser extent.

Another important factor to take into account is the diameter of the hyaluronic acid, as this determines its ability to penetrate the skin. A recent study investigated the effectiveness of a low-weight nanomolecular hyaluronic acid topically and found that the smallest substances, with a molecular weight less than 500 kDa, achieved:

  • Change the depth of wrinkles.
  • Increase hydration.
  • Improve elasticity around the eyes.
  • Absorb better into the skin.

On the other hand, larger molecules, with a molecular weight greater than 500 kDa, had more difficulty crossing the skin barrier.


Hyaluronic acid is truly a magical ingredient when it comes to hydration and skin care. Its ability to retain moisture, improve the appearance of wrinkles and promote wound healing make it a true holy grail for radiant, youthful skin.

Remember to take into account the molecular weight and concentration of hyaluronic acid when choosing your products. Consult cosmetic experts for specific recommendations and enjoy the benefits of hyaluronic acid in your skin care routine. Your skin will thank you!

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